Fourth South Pars gas refinery (phases 6, 7 and 8)


Fourth South Pars gas refinery (phases 6, 7 and 8)

Introduction of the 4th Refinery The 4th Refinery of South Pars Gas Community is located 270 kilometers south of Bushehr port in Aslawye, adjacent to the first and third phases. The three-phase feed, including sour gas, gas condensate and glycol solution, reaches the Shaghareh field through 3 32-inch long sea lines from SPD7, SPD8 and SPD9 platforms with a capacity of 110 million cubic meters per day . Norway's STATOIL and Iran's Sadra participated in the design and construction of the refinery platforms.

The marine facilities of these phases are: · Three platforms for production and drilling of 35 well rings · Three lines of 32-inch marine pipeline for the purpose of transferring gas to the coastal refinery, each 105 kilometers long · Three lines of 4.5-inch glycol solution transmission - 2 characteristics of the support units to the shore policies of these phases include gas and condensate separation units, gas condensate stabilization, gas dehumidification, and inspection Liquid gas, adjustment of dew point and density Gas and concentration of glycol solution for up to 30 seas per year. Propane refrigeration, water purification, storage of gas condensates and gas liquids, and since last year, gas has been connected to the pipeline. According to the design, the sour gas produced from these phases should be transferred to the Aghajari oil field in Khuzestan through a 512-kilometer pipeline and injected into these fields in order to increase the oil extraction rate from the reservoir. Produced condensate after storage in tanks is exported to neighboring petrochemical plants and its surplus by SBM and through a loaded ship. Propane and butane are also sent to the pier through the pipeline and loaded by ship for export. The electricity required by the 4th refinery is provided by 4 turbogenerators of 45 megawatts. Also, in order to increase the reliability of Palai Sheghah, the backup power is also received from Mobin Petrochemical and Baisat Power Plant.The steam supply of the refinery is provided by 5 boilers with a capacity of 165 tons per hour. The fuel gas of the refinery is supplied from the 2nd IGAT pipeline. The water needed by the refinery is transferred from the sea to the refinery by three pumps and in fresh water packages with a capacity of 75 tons per hour (taking into account the consumption of condensed steam) in order to provide drinking, industrial water without salt Tea, firefighting and cooling becomes sweet This refinery has the most complete sewage treatment unit among the refineries in the region which includes four parts of biological treatment, oily waste treatment, sterilization, sanitary waste treatment and (SBR removal of glycol pollution) with a capacity of 126 cubic meters per hour. * Other units and equipment Yabani, the fourth refinery (phases 6, 7, and 8) · 10 devices Turbo compressor to increase the gas pressure up to 90 bar and send to the line 2 ∙ IGAT5 diesel generator unit (emergency) each with a power of 5.5 MW · 1 nitrogen unit with a capacity of 1150 cubic meters per hour · 4 air compressors, each with capacity 5000 cubic meters per hour · 1 water cooling unit with a capacity of 1966 cubic meters per hour gas condensate storage tanks each with a capacity of 75,000 cubic meters · 2 propane storage tanks each with a capacity of 55,000 cubic meters · 2 butane storage tanks with a capacity of 40,000 cubic meters each - 3 production of Shagah Chaharm Janobi, between Petropars and Siomi Concentrator, consisting of 4 DAELIM/JGC/TEC/IDRO companies, for the purpose of producing the following products It was developed in 1379 became

Daily production of 104 million cubic meters of sour and dry gas, daily production of 138,000 barrels of gas condensate, daily production of 3,000 tons of propane, daily production of 2,000 tons of butane 386. Due to the capacities of the fourth Sheghah mine and the efforts of Hemat Persanel, various projects have been put into operation since the beginning. Sending sour and moist gas in order to supply a part of the refined feed of the first, second, third, fifth, sixth and eighth hours with a capacity of 1300 million cubic feet per day, creating a way to supply air and nitrogen. The first and third refineries receive gas from Siri with a capacity of 500 million cubic feet per day and prevent gas flaring and sweeten the sour liquid of the Ilam gas refinery and prevent flaring in this area It is valuable to send liquid propane to other refineries in the community. , Fajr Jam Refinery, Fars Gulf Star Oil Refinery and Lorestan Petrochemical, sour and dry gas to Phase 12, 13, 19, 24-22 refineries, Beedland and Fajr Jam refineries, sending gas condensate to Petroush We will provide it from petrochemical butane feed Total receipt of gas and liquid products from other social institutions in Storage tanks in order to increase the gas storage capacity of society and prevent the injection of gas into the gas pipeline OB (equivalent to 500 million cubic feet) per day of gas from the field Salman will reach Shagah Chaharam via Siri Island, which will provide another part of the food required for Shagah Chaharam, after strengthening the pressure in Siri Island through a 32-inch long submarine line 440 kilometers to It becomes the fourth day of the yearAchieving a nominal capacity of 110 million cubic meters (equivalent to 3900 million cubic feet) per day will be achieved The year 2015 has started 1-4 projects to reduce energy consumption and flaring * The fourth stage of social responsibilities and environment protection has different projects in order to reduce energy consumption and flaring as well. About the categories of environmental pollution It has been shown. ﭘﺮوژه solution Permanent In the Namzdai unit, in order to remove the flares caused by the implementation defects of the plan, to synchronize with Mobin Petrochemical, and also to create a platform for receiving electricity from the Bazat power plant, in order to take the turbogenerator out of service D. Power station * Completely remove the flaring of the fuel unit by changing the path of the pressure discharge. Absorbent layers from the flare to the inlet side of gas boilers * Reducing the amount of energy consumption in the steam production process by improving the utilization methods and implementing the process optimization * Taking out of service a fresh water package after a Repair of the distribution system and water consumption* Reforming and improving the operation of the industrial waste water treatment unit of Shagharah Chaharm in order to reduce annual pollutants to the sea and introduce it as one of the best pilots carried out in the country's oil and gas industries. * Implementation of programs Repairs in compressors for export to In order to eliminate the remaining deficiencies from the implementation of the plan and to minimize the emergency stoppages.

Source: South Pars Gas Company website