South Pars Gas Complex 12th Refinery

12th Refinery

12th RefinerySouth Pars Gas Complex

The development plan for Phases 22, 23, and 24 of the South Pars Gas Field was announced to the Ministry of Oil on May 11, 2010. The implementation of this project, led by Petrosina Arya (onshore) and Sadra (offshore), as the main contractors, commenced on November 11, 2010.

The capacity of this phase block is about 29.37 trillion cubic feet of gas and 1.113 billion barrels of condensate. The onshore facilities, with an approximate area of 240 hectares and dimensions of about 2 x 1.2 square kilometers, have been constructed in Site Two of the Pars Special Economic Zone in the Akhtar region. The offshore facilities of this project, located about 130 kilometers off the coast of Akhtar in the Persian Gulf, include 4 platforms: SPD22, SPD23, SPD24A, and SPD24B. Each platform has a number of wells: 11 wells on SPD22 platform, 11 wells on SPD23 platform, 8 wells on SPD24A platform, and 8 wells on SPD24B platform.

The transfer of sour gas from these platforms to onshore facilities is carried out through two 32-inch pipelines, approximately 130 kilometers long, with a design capacity of 56 million cubic meters per day. Additionally, to prevent hydrate formation in the gas transmission lines, anti-hydrate materials are added to the gas on the platforms, and these materials are returned to the platforms through two 4-inch pipelines after being regenerated onshore.

The onshore facilities of this project include units for gas reception, gas sweetening, glycol regeneration and recovery, gas condensate stabilization, dehydration, ethane recovery, gas export, liquid gas separation, sulfur recovery, separation of acidic gases and hydrocarbons from sour water, propane cooling, caustic regeneration, propane and butane processing, ethane dehydration, electrical power generation, steam production, fuel gas system, instrument air production, nitrogen production, water desalination, demineralized water production, flares, gas condensate tanks, sulfur storage and solidification, and butane and propane storage for export.

The main objectives of the Phase 22, 23, and 24 development, based on the basic design, are as follows:
  • Supply of purified gas for the domestic consumption network at a rate of 50 million cubic meters per day
  • Recovery of ethane gas for use in petrochemical industries at a rate of 2,700 tons per day
  • Recovery of high-quality liquefied petroleum gas (propane and butane) at a rate of 3,000 tons per day
  • Production of gas condensate and its desulfurization for export at a rate of 77,000 barrels per day
  • Production of gas condensate and its desulfurization for export at a rate of 77,000 barrels per day
The project execution timeline from start to operation is as follows:
  • The preparation phase of this project began in 2010 and continued until 2011.
  • The construction and commissioning phase of this project started in July 2011 and continued until 2018 (the beginning of sweetening from the first gas train). Four sweetening trains were fully operational in February 2019..