8th refinery of South Pars – Phase 20-21


8th refinery of South Pars

The eighth refinery (phases 20 and 21) of South Pars is located on the Persian Gulf and 270 km southeast of Bushehr port. The client for the construction of this refinery, like the other refineries of this huge gas field, is Pars Oil and Gas Company, and the main contractor for its implementation is a consortium consisting of engineering and construction companies of oil industries (OIEC), engineering and construction of marine facilities of Iran(LOEC). This project is one of the projects that can be considered as an all-Iranian refinery. The contract of this project was concluded in June 2008 and the first production and export of sweet gas of this refinery took place on 06/14/1395 with sour gas received from the fourth refinery. In the spring of the year 2016 Refinery was officially opened with the presence of the Honorable President.


The development of phases 20 and 21 is expected to produce sweet gas, gas condensate, liquid gas (Ipg), enan and sulfur.

General specifications
  • 2 marine platforms
  • 22 productive wells
  • Submarine pipeline
  • Dry refinery
Development plans and programs
  • Follow up and launch all the remaining equipment and packages of the refinery in order to eliminate flaring and improve the quality and quantity of the products.
  • Localization of the refinery's critical equipment using the services of knowledge-based companies and the first construction permit
  • Increasing refinery ethane production using consulting project services
  • Increasing the office space of the refinery due to the new structure of the refinery
  • Reducing metallization and sulfur dioxide emissions to a minimum level according to the consulting projects carried out